SOLD OFFLINE- Are you looking for a thriving business in the health food industry with incredible growth potential? This business produces a premium range of...
SOLD - A unique 5-day service business that ticks all the boxes for the astute buyers wanting the perfect blend of big business rewards and time off to enjoy the...
SOLD - Here is a rare opportunity to own a long-established and highly profitable pet resort in a beautiful part of the Sunshine Coast. Including all the benefits...
SOLD - If you love dealing with great people and are searching for an exciting, 5-day p/w monopoly business, with over 20 years trading history, then please read...
A long established 5 day per week wholesale distribution business with key staff in place. Dealing with some of Australia’s most successful retailers, this...
SOLD - This one is a ripper, offering the epitome of passive income where the current owners dedicate just a few hours a week to the business, incorporating into...
SOLD - Priced for a quick sale this Subway has recently been fully refitted in line with Subways modern vibrant Fresh Forward Refit. Boasting new ovens and on high...
Why buy a café that sells one coffee at a time, or a fleet of coffee vans reliant on walk up trade. This is a business servicing event and corporate functions...
Are you ready to make a splash in the world of business? Look no further!
SOLD - This is almost unheard of - The owner of this simple business is working only 25 hours a week and is enjoying profits of over $23,000 per month! But the...
SOLD - Seldom do such profitable businesses come to the Sunshine Coast market. The long-term owners of this high-profile venture enjoy mega profits of $1.5...
SOLD - Clients are thrilled to see the amazing difference this easy to operate business can make to their home. It’s a cost-effective investment transforms...
Easily one of our best business opportunities in recent years. This easy to operate cash and carry business is an absolute standout and enjoys profits in excess of...
Enjoy the perfect lifestyle on the stunning Sunshine Coast – it’s why we live here!
Wow, imagine owning Noosa’s only Golf Cart dealer!
Fully Managed, reputable service and installation business, on track for in excess of $250 000 net profit this FY
The Sunshine Coasts sub-tropical climate is the world’s best for this easy to operate sales and maintenance business.
The perfect business opportunity for buyers looking for serious profits, so they can enjoy the finer things in life.
On offer here is a highly regarded, National Award-Winning shed builder that offers the history, knowledge and experience!
Wow, imagine earning a whopping $4,300 a week for less than 20 hours of your time.
With growth in sales in excess of 40% over the past 3 years, this business has perfectly positioned itself to capitalise on the population boom the local area is...
This business is the market leader in its field on the Coast and does not require any trade experience to operate successfully
Copperhead Restaurant and Brewery Cooroy is part of the new wave of Brew Pubs – a brewery focused on quality food and killer beers.
Wanna earn a cool $200,000 (plus) per annum…working a mere 15 hours a week with little risk?
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