SOLD - Imagine owning a business where the profits are as sweet as the simplicity of its operation. This well-established wholesale business, thriving for over two...
SOLD OFFLINE- Are you looking for a thriving business in the health food industry with incredible growth potential? This business produces a premium range of...
SOLD - This long-established, non-skilled service business provides an excellent service to an impressive list of loyal commercial & retail customers all while mak...
SOLD - Imagine investing less than 20 hours per week, all from the comfort of your home or even while traveling! That's the reality with this incredible opportu...
SOLD OFFLINE - A long established 5 day per week wholesale distribution business with key staff in place. Dealing with some of Australia’s most successful...
SOLD - The owner initially planned to sell all three of his cafes across Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast, but he has now decided to sell the crown jewel in the...
SOLD - If you love dealing with great people and are searching for an exciting, 5-day p/w monopoly business, with over 20 years trading history, then please read...
SOLD - Here is a rare opportunity to own a long-established and highly profitable pet resort in a beautiful part of the Sunshine Coast. Including all the benefits...
SOLD - A unique 5-day service business that ticks all the boxes for the astute buyers wanting the perfect blend of big business rewards and time off to enjoy the...
SOLD - This one is a ripper, offering the epitome of passive income where the current owners dedicate just a few hours a week to the business, incorporating into...
SOLD - Why buy a café that sells one coffee at a time, or a fleet of coffee vans reliant on walk up trade. This is a business servicing event and corporate...
SOLD - This is almost unheard of - The owner of this simple business is working only 25 hours a week and is enjoying profits of over $23,000 per month! But the...
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