Does your Business have a Unique Selling Proposition?

Does your Business have a Unique Selling Proposition?

Does your Business have a Unique Selling Proposition?

The interesting thing about a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is that this unique attribute or feature doesn’t necessarily have to be unique to you, your product, or your services; you only have to create the perception that it is unique in the mind of the audience you are addressing. And if by so doing, you become the only one in your business category talking about your product’s special attribute; you end up owning its uniqueness.

Whether you’re an established business or a new venture, identifying the essential elements that can help build your businesses name and reputation will get you started on the road to fame, fortune and fun times.

This concept of a USP is an important lesson to consider when putting together a marketing strategy. Don’t doubt for a minute that there is a particular facet of your business you can promote as being unique, whether it’s in the products or services you create, the way you sell them or the amazing after-sales services you offer, that keeps customers coming back.

Believe me, in the mix there will be something you can transform into a USP. All you have to do is find it and communicate it to your potential market.

To effectively communicate your USP you firstly need to be able to prove it. You must also be able to demonstrate why you are better than your competition and give comfort that you provide excellent service and offer quality products.

Your marketing should portray that you are a reliable, integral and ethical business that is here for the long term, providing unmatched after sales and customer service. You want your clients to know that you listen and will address any problems that arise.

Buyers are attracted to businesses with USP’s, could this be the difference to ensure your sale when the time comes?

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