Wow, imagine earning a whopping $4,300 a week for less than 20 hours of your time.
With growth in sales in excess of 40% over the past 3 years, this business has perfectly positioned itself to capitalise on the population boom the local area is...
This business is the market leader in its field on the Coast and does not require any trade experience to operate successfully
Copperhead Restaurant and Brewery Cooroy is part of the new wave of Brew Pubs – a brewery focused on quality food and killer beers.
Wanna earn a cool $200,000 (plus) per annum…working a mere 15 hours a week with little risk?
This highly successful online distribution business has been established 10 years, so it’s really well systemised and set up to ensure excellent profits for the...
Ahhh, the perfect home-based business for a buyer looking to work part time or less than 10 hours per week.
Winning the 2022 national award (Australia & New Zealand) is a testament to the commitment and work ethic of the long term, key managerial staff in place.
Stunning Beachside Cafe
This low risk, highly systemized business is a perfect fit for those with general management skills, wanting a high profit business
This business has proven processes and systems in place for the day-to-day operations and the price includes everything you need to run this business successful...
Reap the benefits of a thirty-year established independent Boutique Home and Commercial Decor business, supplying directly to retailers.
You will walk into a fully equipped and functioning workshop with bookings, clients, tools and fluids ready to go.
This unique business is very flexible as it can be based at home from anywhere in Australia!
Low risk, big profits, easy hours, long established…do not miss out on this terrific, attractive business.
You will think you are in heaven when you are banking approx $60 000 per week generated from this enviable off road superstore.
Don’t miss your opportunity to own one of the Sunshine Coast’s longest standing retailers of off-road products, specializing in providing quality 4x4 protec...
Voted one of the Sunshine Coast’s top 3 Café’s and with just one visit to Café Vie you will know why!
This 20 (plus) year established logistics business is as good as you will find in South East Queensland.
This easy to operate, 5 day a week, non-trade-based business has been going for forever and a day. • FY21 Net $240,000+ • EASY 5 DAY SERVICE BUSINESS • ...
Sign and Print- Big Profits
We have seen our share of great businesses, however, this one will be hard to beat.
If you're looking for a low stress, secure income, and long for the freedom of afternoons and weekend leisure time, then don't delay as this business will sell...
Imagine profits circa $200,000 a year and only having to work 10 hours per week…WOW! Good luck finding a better business with less risk, absolute flexibility...
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